Friday, September 9, 2011

ATMs in Italy

An ATM machine in Italy is called a Bancomat and they are everywhere.

You'll see the symbol for a Bancomat, the sort-of backwards "E", everywhere, including in the baggage claim area of the airport in Rome.
Using an ATM in Italy to withdraw cash is similar to using one here at home.  Almost every one I've ever tried to use has an English language option; if you come upon one that does not, there will be another one nearby that does.

There are a couple of important differences to be aware of.  First, you can only withdraw money from your primary account (for most people this will be your checking account).  Second, Italian Bancomat keyboards will only have numbers, no letters, so if you only know your PIN by letters, start memorizing the numerical version now!

Don't be concerned if the first machine you try refuses you for some odd reason, I've had that happen on more than one occasion.  I just move on to another machine and get my cash.  It is a good idea to notify your bank before leaving home that you will be using your card to make withdrawals abroad, so at least your transaction won't be rejected for that reason.

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